Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mind vs Brain

Say the color of these words:
Red Green Blue
Blue Red

Now again...
Red Green Blue
Blue Red Blue

This was an interesting experiment I came across. This is the Stroop task. It's always a little depressing for me to find out I haven't got the best control of my brain. Call it ego, call it stupidity, call it impossible, but I believe I should be able to make my brain do what I want. Then one day I find out I can't even make my mind make my brain distinguish between colors and words fast enough.

To test yourself, click here...

I have always believed that doing puzzles, trying to solve problems, be it educational or fun games is helpful and makes your mind sharper or the neurons in your brain work harder. I started a creative puzzles program in a local school years ago, and I could see marked changes in the children within a few weeks. Today I came across an article in my self required daily reading list, that emphasizes this. As the author says, "I should have patented the idea."

Read the article about the new game here...

I also remember hearing about the origin of video games. I think my father told me this long back. They were originally designed to improve your hand eye coordination and help you adjust to the keyboard better. Today we don't think twice before using a keyboard but in those days, it was a challenge as new as could be.

Going back to mind versus brain, my cousin sent a problem. Try to rotate your right leg clockwise while you draw a six (in the air) with your right arm. Let me know if you can, and it can be done very easily.

Happy playing everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read fine. Amnt I awesome;)

8:59 PM  
Blogger Harish said...

"I should've patented the idea." He should've done it a long time ago. The idea of constructive neuron-fire-inducing games has been around in Developmental AI and the cusp area communities for decades. My reasoning is that the purpose of games seems to be defeated when you find out you're learning a lot of useful stuff. Much like the Calvin strips.

5:56 AM  

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